Saturday, July 12, 2008

Powell = Paradise

Here are four action-packed minutes that will help you understand why I heart Lake Powell. Video footage is from one of the cheapest helmet cams out there, but I still get a kick out of it and really dig the waterproofness. See fo' yo' self...


Laurie & Clint said...

bryce! so good to hear from you. your blog totally sets my heart at ease knowing you are still living the outdoors-on-the-go-crazy-life. Look like you are doing well! I miss you fellas!

jenichild said...

You're amazing! Lake Powell really is the greatest place on earth. We miss you!

Ben said...

Bryce, I miss you too!

Ben said...


Lexi and I are so jealous of your Lake Powell expedition. We are equally jealous of your mad video skills. I want a helmet cam now. You should come out to Chicago. Bring your helmet cam and we'll go rent kayaks and take them on the Chicago River.
